Feb 20, 2010.
clip shu hong> 7:57 PM.
I very de bad horh?? coz me and my brother waiting outside the toilet for my mother den i nth to do i go take my grandmother clip clothes de clipper and 'kiap' my brother cheek hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahx...
shu hong take baba photo> 7:56 PM.
my brother sooo professional!!! this is he take de!! hahahahahahahahhahahx...
mars like zt!!> 7:55 PM.
My dog MARS look like Zheng tai right?!!!!!?
hui ying hui li and shu hong> 7:53 PM.
AH~!!! my korea cousin soooooo cute!!! accept my brother-.- hahax...face red red de!!
Feb 9, 2010.
sand animation2> 4:56 PM.
This is wad i nid to draw during the school open house~ buddha and monks-.-... the MOE will also be dere to see all the performance!! so scared!!!
sand animation> 4:53 PM.
Art lessons we do sand animation!!!My 1st time doin this very fun!!!
T-max> 4:50 PM.
T-max @ my mum shop!!!